with Proven Results
Sacramento Personal Injury Lawyer
You want a personal injury lawyer and a law firm with experience, a great track record, and integrity. James R. Lewis and LEWIS INJURY, PC possess all three qualities, and more.
EXPERIENCE. James Lewis, a proven car accident trial attorney, has been practicing exclusively as a personal injury lawyer for almost twenty years. His experience, and expertise is superior. In those almost two decades, James has focused on vehicle accidents, including motorcycle collisions, big-rig trucking collisions, and accidents involving the most vulnerable people on the road: bicyclists. Unlike some lawyers who dabble in personal injury work, James does not split his time on any other types of legal problems. From that extended, precise focus on personal injuries coming from vehicle collisions, the experience earned there has sharpened into an exact prioritization of tasks, information gathering, scene and witness investigation, referral to qualified medical professionals, and retention of experts so that all parts of a personal injury claim are covered. Knowing what investigators, and medical professionals to engage to start on the right foundation is critical to the success of your personal injury case.
TRACK RECORD. This website contains examples of very successful financial recoveries for clients represented by James over the past nineteen years involving greater Sacramento car accident cases. He has recovered multiple millions of dollars in compensation for his clients. Equally outstanding are the personal, extended reviews about James’s expertise, diligence, and quality of service are profound. Each case is unique, as is each client. But the service and dedication given to these clients is identical, from moderate injury and impact cases to catastrophic injuries. All of them benefit identically from the track record and reputation of James Lewis. While prior results cannot precisely predict what will happen with your case, they are examples of the level of service and focus that the firm will bring to your case.
INTEGRITY. “The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness” is a common definition of integrity. The practical meaning of integrity to James Lewis is “doing the right thing even when nobody is looking”. Being honest and moral as a lawyer are qualities that James Lewis uses every day without exception. Every person has a daily choice to act with integrity, to proceed in life with a moral and honest objective or that person could choose to fudge a little here, slide a little there. An opportunity to act in an immoral or unethical way is not a choice available to a lawyer with integrity, to someone like James Lewis. That sort of choice is riddled with risk, failure, and would be a disservice to any client. James strives to act in an honest and forthright manner with clients, sometimes sharing hard, difficult truths about risks and benefits. An honest, open communication with a lawyer of integrity is critical to the success of your case.
Car Accidents
They happen every day, in dozens of different ways. You see them, and unfortunately you were probably involved in one. Not every car collision case is the same. There could be only two cars where one rear-ended the other, there could be several in a long chain on a highway, some involve impaired drivers (DUI, medical emergencies), yours could be at a four-way stop, or at an intersection with no traffic controls. You deserve a lawyer like James Lewis to prosecute your personal injury case who has nineteen years of handling and resolving thousands of car accident cases. The only way to know how to expertly handle a personal injury case from beginning (intake interview) to the end is to do the hard work, learn from other experts, and take cases to trial and arbitration. Each case that James has resolved by settlement, trial verdict or binding arbitration award has generated knowledge that has increased his expertise and proficiency. Knowing the wrinkles, the resources, and how to overcome obstacles is what leads to a successful outcome. Insurance companies are focused on saving money on claims and will do most anything to drive down the value of your case. They arm themselves with secret databases like ChoicePoint from Big Data to learn personal, and often irrelevant, private information about you to pressure and discourage the legitimately injured from making claims or to give up on a case. Knowing how to defeat or marginalize these threats is what James Lewis knows. This is a single example of how James Lewis’s experience with thousands of car accident cases can be put to work for you on your car accident case.
Bicycle Accidents
Besides pedestrians, bicyclists are the most vulnerable people on the road. Even if a cyclist is wearing a helmet and clothing covering their arms and legs, they suffer gruesome injuries, sometimes life-altering. Concussions and other traumatic brain injuries frequently come from a bicyclist being hit by a vehicle. Cyclists are often ignored, maligned, and sometimes targeted by motorists. The common result is they are overlooked by vehicle drivers. I have deposed dozens of drivers who have hit my bicyclist clients, most often because the driver claims they never saw the bicyclist, or that the bicyclist jumped in front of the car, or worst yet, the driver claims the bicyclist should never have been there anyway. Some of my bicyclist clients were riding on the sidewalk or in the bike lane/shoulder against the flow of traffic. Motorists routinely never look both ways before starting to turn or they block the sidewalk at shopping center driveways which eliminates a safe path for cyclists and pedestrians. In comparison to bicyclists, vehicle operators have a heightened, superior duty of care toward bike riders and pedestrians because of the damage that is done by a car vs. bicyclist. Using superior investigative and discovery skills I am successful in securing significant compensation, even for those clients who technically might have been violating the rules of the road.
Motorcycle Accidents
Every rider knows it is inevitable that he or she will be involved in a collision with a car. It is a risk inherent in riding. It is matter of when, not if, the collision will happen. Further compounding the risk is that some vehicle operators just do not bother to concern themselves with anyone on a motorcycle. There is a bias against riders: “they speed”, “they’re loud”, “they scare me”, “they’re reckless”. There is a long list of excuses, anything a vehicle driver can think of to escape responsibility for hitting a motorcyclist. My most recent case concerned my client on a Harley who exited at a freeway offramp with another vehicle parallel to his left. They were both turning the same direction. The vehicle driver never looked to her right, or did not look long enough, before she decided to cut across my client’s lane and into the driveway so she could get some tacos on her way home from work. She clobbered him with her car. Her defense: “I never saw him”. Her ignorance and recklessness resulted in fractures to my client’s body, and her insurance carrier paying out its policy limits. Only a lawyer like James Lewis, who has prosecuted hundreds of claims for riders, knows how to leverage the inherent biases and wrong-minded assumptions that vehicle drivers have about motorcycles and their riders. Call now to discuss your motorcycle case, and learn how Lewis Injury will help you.
Trucking Collisions
The damage that is done by negligent operation of a big-rig or tractor-trailer combination is catastrophic. They decimate entire families, eliminate basic functionality, and do not discriminate between adults and children. Most truck drivers are distracted by using headsets for hours-long cell phone conversations with dispatchers, family or other drivers. Because of the damage that these outsized trucks do when they are driven recklessly, there are significant regulations, standards, and restrictions that the drivers and their employers are required to follow. James Lewis knows these regulations and rules and uses them against negligent truck drivers. Unfortunately, of those drivers and their employers who do follow the rules, they do the absolute bare minimum without regard to the risk to others. Drivers frequently cheat on their logbooks (tracking their driving hours) or keep a second set to show the police, all so they can drive longer hours and earn bonuses for themselves and their employers. Even though the trucking industry is heavily regulated, truckdrivers operate unsafely every day by exceeding their hour limitations, driving while fatigued, driving trucks that are not properly maintained and are therefore unsafe for the road, or by recklessly exceeding the speed limit. James Lewis also has the experience to track down and secure compensation from those responsible for the truck driver and his company being on the road. He pursues shipping brokers, the middlemen, and the entities that contracted for their goods to be on the truck. They share responsibility for the damage done. If you or your family has been injured by a reckless truck driver, call for a free consultation.
James Lewis is an experienced personal injury trial lawyer, with an excellent track record, who serves his clients with integrity. Contact Lewis Injury for a free consultation by telephone, video conference or in-person. By telephone: (916) 378-8878 or by text message (916) 378-8868.
Client Reviews
Glad I hired James Lewis! “Maximum Payout in Short Amount of Time, I’m so grateful to have retained James Lewis, personal injury lawyer, after my car accident. I ran into multiple issues with an under-insured at fault driver, and Mr. Lewis handled everything...
James was extremely hospitable, honest, and communicated with me every step of the way. "James helped me with an accident where I got rear-ended and my car was totaled. The other drivers insurance was extremely difficult to work with and non-responsive to say...
Doubled The Recovery! “I Was Hit by a Hit and Run Drive, I was involved in a rather serious motor vehicle accident. I received medical visits and physical therapy. I also lost income. James Lewis, personal injury lawyer, worked on my case, and, after a binding...

Meet James R. Lewis
Specializing in one area of the law is important. After almost 20 years of prosecuting only personal injury cases, James has the courtroom experience and success to expertly handle your case. This focused, specialized experience means James can immediately identify whether you have a case to pursue.Blog: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You!
How to Protect Yourself Before a Car Crash Under-Insured Motorist Coverage is THE Most Important Auto Coverage. Most drivers are worried about drivers without insurance. However...
2022 Selection as a Super Lawyer! Selected again to Super Lawyers! My peers selected me again as a Northern California Super Lawyer. Lots of hard work and...
What to Do When You’re Hit and They Run? In Sacramento County, Hit and Run accidents accounted for 1015 collisions in 2019. Here’s some critical advice: First, your uninsured motorist...
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We are conveniently located near US Highway 50 close to the intersection of Watt Avenue and Fair Oaks Boulevard. Our location has ample, shaded parking, and easy access by ADA compliant ramps. The receptionist is available from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Get in Touch
Send us a text at (916) 378-8868, call us at (916) 378-8878, or fill out the contact form for a consultation.
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