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Judge Pro Tem Experience
I volunteered four hours this morning at the Placer County Superior Court as an appointed Judge Pro Tem. Handed two cases to try and help resolve. One was a smaller case, with an in pro per plaintiff and a large national insurance carrier on the defense. Both parties were reasonable, put their confidence in me, and we negotiated a respectable resolution that removed risk for all involved, save thousands in litigation expenses and preserved court resources. My experience and reputation with the defense attorney and claims representative from the carrier were important in efficiently resolving the case. Other case involved an injury causation dispute from a major motor vehicle accident. This was the type of case on which reasonable minds could differ, which they did and continue to do. Neither party was mean or disrespectful about their positions, but were firm in their principles. And both were prepared for trial in two weeks. Despite spending two hours with the parties, could not come to any common ground.