- Free Consultation: (916) 378-8878
Wrongful Death Claims Settled…
My clients were the wife and three adult daughters of husband “Joe”. Joe died in the hospital from injuries he sustained two weeks prior in a two-vehicle car accident on the interstate. Joe was a passenger in his drunk friend’s car when his friend rear-ended a legally stopped vehicle. The driver’s insurance company (another large national company) was quick to settle, but on its terms. It quickly tendered its policy limit to my clients but it wanted my clients to prove a negative, namely that Medi-Care did NOT have a right to reimbursement from the settlement. Medi-Care had already confirmed, in writing, that it did not pay any bills for Joe and therefore was not seeking reimbursement. This was not good enough for the insurance company, because it knew Joe was a Medi-Care member and it wanted to know why Medi-Care did not pay. After months of convincing and stating the same facts over and over, the insurance company saw the light and paid its policy limits to my four well-deserving clients. I was happy to bring closure to this family and help them move on.